0800 756 5270

Water hygiene, hot and cold system management

Service overview

Water quality testing

System monitoring and management plans

Cleaning and disinfection

Remedial projects

Water treatment solutions

Ensure your hot and cold water systems are fully monitored and serviced 24/7 365 days a year.

Hydrocert offers a suite of comprehensive services for hot and cold water systems, including: water quality testing, remedial projects, water treatment solutions, system monitoring and management for organisations across the UK. 

Water quality testing

Water samples obtained correctly from parts of the system that provide relevant information are key to understanding the success of the water hygiene and legionella control management performance. Transportation to a UKAS registered laboratory quickly and with suitable transport conditions is also vital for the validity of the results.

Our certificates reflect the laboratory data provided on the original documentation; they also enable us to add comments and recommendations specific to that sample or group of samples. 

This provides ease of interpretation for our clients and avoids excess documentation; helpful when cross-referencing actions taken against results that have failed.

System monitoring and management plans

Hydrocert offers help and support, whether you simply require site-specific guidance and staff training – including our bespoke record systems – or prefer us to alleviate part, or all, of the preventative maintenance and monitoring tasks associated with hot and cold water systems. Our highly-trained service personnel, contract managers, consultants and technical support teams are on hand to meet your needs.

Most impressive is their friendly approach; nothing is ever too much trouble, whether it’s an issue on site or guidance with water quality. The Hydrocert team is quick and eager to respond, whatever my query. They go over and above by providing on-going support for our staff and clients, even in areas they may not necessarily maintain on our behalf.

Reports are always sent through on time with clear explanations of discoveries and relevant quotes attached for any remedial works.

Richard Payne

Contract Manager, Edmund Services Ltd

Cleaning and disinfection

The Hydrocert team works with diligent attention to detail, knowledge of system design and understanding of chemical profiles and safe use.

The comprehensive reports – including photographic evidence detailing before and after conditions and any notable findings – will aid record keeping and review of system conditions.

Disinfection options include online or live system disinfection within the drinking water restrictions and UK laws, using carefully selected chemicals at the correct dosage. This enables us to disinfect systems where shutdown is impractical due to system or site use.

Remedial projects

From small plumbing works to large tank replacements, relining services and other system upgrades or modifications, Hydrocert has a team of skilled engineers to ensure projects and requirements are met efficiently and cost effectively. 

Specialist suppliers are carefully selected and vetted through our Legionella Control Association (LCA) Code of Conduct, Quality Assurance (QA) and SafeContractor programmes.

Water treatment solutions

Hydrocert offers a range of options from simple water softening or filtration, to reverse osmosis or disinfection installations. These could be required for process or water quality management as a whole, either permanently or for short-term solutions to suit the site requirements.

We use a range of specialist supply chain options; all equipment is easily maintained and transferred to the end user or if required, can be maintained and managed by Hydrocert.

How can we help?

Telephone: 0800 756 5270

Email: [email protected]